To get all the amazing flavor of your fresh coffee in your cup, use the right type of grinder, and grind to the correct level for the brew method you're using.
Type of Grinder
What's the difference in taste & quality between Burr and Blade grinders?
Blade grinders chop up the coffee, leaving you with "boulders and dust". The grind is inconsistent, so the flavor can be way off in your cup, and inconsistent from day to day.
Burr grinders create a consistent, repeatable, and adjustable grind, helping you get the most flavor in your cup today, and every day.
3 Basic Tips
1. Always grind right before brewing.
2. Only grind what you need each time, because the minute you grind your coffee, it loses flavor.
3. Purchasing pre-ground coffee, whether in a bag, can or pod, is not recommended. (However, sometimes the convenience of pre-grinding outweighs the loss of flavor. You get to decide what works best for you.)
Adjust the Grind for the Brew Method
You always want to be sure to grind according to your brewing method. For example, using a very fine grind in a drip brewer will back up, causing water to overflow. If you use coarse ground coffee in espresso, it's going to be weak and watery. Here are your general starting points:
VERY FINE (and very specific) for high quality espresso machines
FINE GRIND for short brew cycles like aeropress, low pressure espresso, stovetop espresso
MEDIUM FINE for hand pour over
MEDIUM for longer brew cycles like drip machines
COARSE for immersion brewing like a french press or cold brew, or ultra filtered like Chemex
See our grind reference guide below: